What is a Character Trait: Uncover Your Strengths

by Long Le
what is a character trait

When it comes to defining who we are, character traits play a vital role. They are the unique qualities that shape our personalities, behaviors, and actions. From positive attributes that inspire others to negative traits that hinder growth, character traits have a significant impact on our lives.

Character traits can be broadly classified into two categories: positive and negative. Positive character traits encompass qualities such as kindness, honesty, bravery, and curiosity, which contribute to personal growth and positive relationships. On the other hand, negative character traits, like arrogance, dishonesty, and greed, can hinder personal development and strain connections with others.

Understanding the different types of character traits and their significance is essential for personal growth and self-awareness. By identifying and developing our character strengths, we can unlock our full potential and lead more fulfilling lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Character traits shape our personalities, behaviors, and actions.
  • Positive character traits contribute to personal growth and positive relationships.
  • Negative character traits hinder personal development and strain connections with others.
  • Understanding character traits is crucial for personal growth and self-awareness.
  • Identifying and developing our character strengths can unlock our full potential.

Understanding the Six Virtues of Character Strengths

Character strengths are organized into six broad virtues, each representing a different aspect of positive character. These virtues encompass a range of character traits that contribute to individual and social well-being. By understanding and cultivating these virtues, you can unlock your full potential and lead a more fulfilling life.


Wisdom encompasses traits such as creativity, curiosity, and open-mindedness. It involves the ability to think critically, generate new ideas, and seek knowledge. Cultivating wisdom allows you to approach challenges with innovative solutions and embrace new perspectives.


Courage includes traits like honesty, bravery, persistence, and zest. It involves taking risks, standing up for what is right, and facing adversity with resilience. By cultivating courage, you can overcome fears, pursue your goals, and inspire others through your actions.


Humanity encompasses traits such as kindness, love, and social intelligence. It entails developing strong relationships, empathizing with others, and expressing compassion. Cultivating humanity enables you to create meaningful connections, foster inclusivity, and make a positive impact on the world around you.


Justice includes traits like fairness, leadership, and teamwork. It involves promoting equality, upholding moral principles, and working collaboratively for the greater good. Cultivating justice allows you to advocate for fairness, inspire others to action, and create a just society.


Temperance encompasses traits such as forgiveness, modesty, prudence, and self-regulation. It involves exercising self-control, practicing moderation, and managing impulses. Cultivating temperance enables you to make wise decisions, maintain balance in your life, and navigate challenges with composure.


Transcendence includes traits such as appreciation of beauty, gratitude, hope, humor, and religiousness. It involves finding meaning and purpose beyond oneself, experiencing positive emotions, and connecting with something greater. Cultivating transcendence allows you to find joy in life, cultivate gratitude, and experience a sense of awe and wonder.

virtues of character strengths

Understanding the six virtues of character strengths provides a framework for personal growth and development. By embracing these virtues and cultivating their associated traits, you can enhance your well-being, relationships, and overall satisfaction in life. Remember that each virtue represents a unique aspect of positive character, and by incorporating them into your life, you can unleash your full potential.

Benefits of Recognizing Your Character Strengths

Recognizing and harnessing your character strengths can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and personal growth. By understanding and embracing your unique qualities, you can enhance various aspects of your life, including self-acceptance, happiness, improved mental health, and positive work experiences.

One of the key benefits of recognizing your character strengths is enhanced well-being. When you are aware of your strengths and actively incorporate them into your daily life, you experience a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. By leveraging your strengths, you can navigate challenges with confidence and resilience, leading to a more positive outlook on life.

Recognizing your character strengths also fosters self-acceptance. Embracing your strengths means accepting and embracing who you truly are. This self-acceptance allows you to cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and authenticity, which positively impacts your relationships, career, and overall sense of purpose.

“Knowing your own strength is a powerful tool to unlock your true potential and create the life you desire.”

Another significant benefit of recognizing your character strengths is the impact on your mental health. Research has shown that individuals who are aware of their strengths and actively use them experience reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. By focusing on what you do well and building on those strengths, you can improve your emotional well-being and overall mental health.

Furthermore, recognizing and utilizing your character strengths can lead to positive work experiences. When you are aware of your strengths and align your work with them, you are more likely to experience job satisfaction, engagement, and success. By incorporating your strengths into your professional life, you can excel in your career and contribute significantly to your team and organization.

In conclusion, recognizing your character strengths is a powerful tool for personal development and overall well-being. By embracing your unique qualities, you can enhance various aspects of your life, including self-acceptance, happiness, improved mental health, and positive work experiences. So, take the time to explore and understand your character strengths, and unlock your full potential.

Benefits of Recognizing Your Character Strengths
Enhanced well-being
Improved mental health
Positive work experiences

How to Identify Your Character Strengths

Understanding your character strengths is an important step in self-discovery and personal development. By identifying your strengths, you can leverage them to enhance your well-being and achieve greater satisfaction in life. One effective way to uncover your character strengths is through the VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS), a scientific assessment tool.

The VIA-IS is a comprehensive survey that consists of 240 questions designed to measure the 24 character strengths identified by Martin Seligman and Neal Mayerson. This assessment is suitable for individuals aged 18 and older, and it provides valuable insights into your unique character profile. By taking the VIA survey, you can gain a deeper understanding of your signature strengths and lesser strengths.

If you’re a young person between the ages of 10 and 17, there is a version of the survey specifically designed for you called the VIA Youth Survey. This assessment is tailored to capture the character strengths that are relevant to your age group, helping you identify your own strengths and areas for growth.

Once you have identified your character strengths, you can begin to integrate them into your daily life. Embrace your strengths and find ways to use them in various contexts, whether it’s at work, in relationships, or pursuing personal goals. By building on your strengths, you can enhance your overall well-being and experience a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.

character strength assessment


Understanding and harnessing your character traits can be a transformative journey towards personal development and greater well-being. By recognizing and embracing your unique strengths and weaknesses, you have the power to unlock your full potential and create a more fulfilling life.

Character traits are the building blocks of who you are as an individual. They encompass both your positive qualities and areas where you may need improvement. By focusing on your strengths, you can amplify them and use them as tools for success. Your strengths are like seeds waiting to be nurtured and cultivated.

On the other hand, acknowledging and working on your weaknesses can lead to personal growth and self-improvement. It allows you to identify areas where you may need to develop new skills or adopt new perspectives. Embracing the journey of self-improvement can lead to a more well-rounded and resilient character.

Remember, personal development is not a destination but a lifelong process. It requires self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to challenge yourself. Embrace your character traits, both the strengths and weaknesses, and use them as stepping stones towards becoming the best version of yourself.


What is a character trait?

A character trait is a personal quality or attribute that defines an individual’s behavior, thoughts, and actions. It is the combination of these traits that make up a person’s character.

What are the types of character traits?

There are many types of character traits, including both positive and negative traits. Positive character traits include honesty, kindness, bravery, and forgiveness, while negative character traits may include dishonesty, cruelty, cowardice, and resentment.

Can you provide examples of character traits?

Certainly! Examples of positive character traits include compassion, gratitude, patience, creativity, resilience, and fairness. Negative character traits could include selfishness, dishonesty, arrogance, impatience, and intolerance.

Why are character traits important?

Character traits are important because they shape how individuals interact with others and navigate through life. Positive character traits contribute to personal growth, healthy relationships, and overall well-being, while negative character traits can hinder personal development and create challenges in relationships and personal satisfaction.

What is a character traits list?

A character traits list is a compilation of various traits that individuals possess. It can be helpful in identifying and understanding different aspects of one’s character.

How can I develop my character traits?

Developing character traits involves self-reflection, awareness, and conscious effort. It starts with recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and working on areas that need improvement. Engaging in practices such as self-regulation, empathy-building exercises, and mindfulness can also help nurture positive character traits.

How can I identify my character strengths?

You can identify your character strengths by taking assessments like the VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) or the VIA Youth Survey. These surveys measure your character strengths and provide insights into your personal profile, highlighting your signature strengths and areas for growth.

What are the benefits of recognizing your character strengths?

Recognizing your character strengths can lead to enhanced well-being, self-acceptance, happiness, improved mental health, and positive work experiences. Research has shown that utilizing your signature strengths in new ways can increase happiness and decrease depression.

What is the VIA Inventory of Strengths?

The VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) is a scientifically validated measure of character strengths in individuals aged 18 and older. It consists of 240 questions designed to assess the 24 identified character strengths.

Is there a character strength assessment for young people?

Yes, there is a version of the survey called the VIA Youth Survey, designed for individuals between 10 and 17 years old. This survey helps young people identify their character strengths and gain insights into their unique character profile.

How can understanding my character traits benefit my personal development?

Understanding your character traits can have a positive impact on your personal development. By recognizing and building on your strengths, you can enhance your happiness, relationships, and overall satisfaction in life. Identifying and working on areas of weakness can also lead to personal growth and self-improvement.

How can I use my character traits to unleash my full potential?

Embrace your unique character traits and use them as tools to unlock your full potential. By understanding your strengths, you can apply them in different areas of your life, pursue meaningful goals, and contribute positively to the world around you.

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